This Mentorship Is For The Woman Who Wants Real Complete Freedom
Increased Income
Endless Clients
Wider Impact

You do ok,
but you are nowhere near where you really want to be.
Instead, you find yourself feeling like you’ve just created another job for yourself!
You are totally overwhelmed, feeling exhausted and have zero time.
Yet other people around you seem to be doing it easy.
They are making a big splash online, but you are still going around in circles.
I bet you’ve even thought about giving up and going back to the 9-5. I know I did.
I was working hard, trying everything to build my business online. But nothing seemed to work.
I remember asking myself what was wrong with me, why can everyone else do it but not me.
I could never seem to sell anything and given my background was in sales this was totally frustrating.

When I discovered not only how to package myself (and my uniqueness), but also how to leverage online systems to create consistent cashflow and more importantly consistent clients.
In the first month of creating my new package, I did one live presentation and sold over $5,000 worth of coaching, which then went onto to grow to $16,000 with more ongoing work.
Suddenly, I understood the process and after doing it once I could do it over and over again.
Now I’m having $10k months
All it took was support and accountability from the right coach, stepping into my own and working like crazy to build my dreams.
I now work with clients all around the globe.
So you can see how I created the Consistent Cashflow Mentorship for new coaches and service based professionals who want fast impact online, which I’m dying to share with you now!

A 4 month private 1:1 coaching program which will not only help you generate consistent cashflow, but will set you up for future growth and ongoing clients. They’ll be coming to you.
With this mentorship you’ll learn:
• How the overall strategy of online business works (fitting the pieces of the puzzle together)
• The ins and outs of packaging your knowledge which sells over and over again
• Why leveraging really works and the systems you need in place to take advantage
• A process for attracting and endless stream of high quality clients
• The mindset tricks of successful fix figure business owners
In this program, I’ll show you the complete “cashflow blueprint” which lead me to not only have my first $10k month but for putting in the foundations for an ongoing 6 figure business.
I have a knack for taking complex systems and processes and turning them into simple steps that get results.
So you don’t go into overwhelm or panic!
“Kylie helped us gain clarity around our online course strategy for our business. As busy property professionals we want to create an online course that helps our community to learn from us and share in our success.
Kylie showed us how this can fit into our wider business strategy, plus helped us break down the course and the moving parts required to put it all together.
Kylie came to us highly recommended by someone in the property industry and therefore looked forward to working with her.
We weren’t disappointed, she is a straight talker who understands our industry and gets straight into creating a clear plan to turn your existing knowledge into a valuable business asset.
The potential for us to deliver huge value and have a positive impact on other people’s lives is exciting.
We’ve now launched our program twice and have already created just under £50k income and set to make six figures this year!”.
“Working with Kylie, Nicky and their team allowed us to fine tune our High Ticket Program into a more structured model (to be used online in the future), for our 90 day coaching program.
In a very short time period,they helped us to get clear on our marketing message and stand out above the “noise” of the crowd online. Then through a highly targeted launch process we were able to build a highly targeted list and community, which in turn allowed us to have a successful launch of our new program creating an initial income of £47k launch ($61k USD),
The fact we could just hand over all the communication, design and tech stuff to their team was amazing as I could just concentrate on creating good quality content for my program.
It made it simple and easy to launch in a short space of time, with fabulous results, but more importantly have a program we can sell over and over again.”
You are a great strategist and even though I kind of knew what I wanted to do – you got me thinking outside the box, I got clarity and it immediately spurred me to action straight away.
Result? 3 brand new coaching clients who started with me yesterday. So for anyone sitting on the fence wondering…
My advice is: Go for it!
Within the space of 3 weeks after working with Kylie on a VIP day I was able to get my first paying customer of a £1000 and that is going from charging as little as £200. This is amazing!! Kylie thank you.
This personalised 1:1 program will be tailored specifically to where you are right now, to creating consistent income and generating a stream of clients.
I’m using this blueprint to grow and grow my business, giving me more time and financial freedom every month.
Look where I’ve been for the last 3 months, travelling and working (sunny shores of Australia where I venture from, Luscious Bali with the spirit of the free and onto San Diego to grow and expand), whilst fully knowing I have income coming in and clients coming to me.

And I don’t show you these to create envy or brag, I just want you to believe it’s possible.

During the program “consistent cashflow blueprint” you’ll learn the strategies behind my 6 P’s
• PLANNING FOR SUCCESS – Where we put some foundations in place around money and mindset.
• POSITION AS EXPERT – How to become the go-to person in your industry.
• PACKAGE – Creating offers that your clients will be lining up to join.
• PROMOTE – Putting the right systems in place to attract your ideal clients.
• PROFIT – Leverage and repeat.
• PLAY – All about having fun and enjoying the journey.
Those are the core 6P’s I use to build Consistent Cashflow, and we’ll tap into specific areas in more detail over the 4 months to get you the biggest results, however how much we get through will depend on how much action you take, where you are in your biz right now and where you see yourself going in the future.
With my powerful sales background and hardcore business ethics, I know how to make money online, all whilst keeping integrity, and being totally authentic.
I’ll share everything I know from building a million-pound business to taking my knowledge online.
Aren’t you tired of feeling overwhelmed and struggling?

Then how would you like to wake up to money in the till every day, whilst taking your business global and making a bigger impact?
I’ve so got you covered in with this mentorship. Now let’s go global together.
Initial 90-minute intensive strategy call to get complete clarity on what you want to achieve ($1500)
Then 11 x 50 minute private calls (3 a month) X PRIVATE COACHING CALLS A MONTH tailored to what you need support with the most. ($11,000 +)
Access to tailored templates of things like – sales page creation, email follow up ($2300)
Personalised Email support from me during office hours. ($2500)
Resource Guide to make technology easy ($150)
A Welcome pack to get your started down the right path for our time together – lets’ get you the results you truly desire. ($150)
Extremely Limited spots available to keep my attention focused on you.
Special Access to – Courses Made Simple – my 8-week online course creation program ($497)
$5,000 (if paid in full)
For installment options, please contact me directly.
* FAST START BONUS * – 10 only NOT to be missed
(will share on phone with FAST DECISION makers only)
NOTE: Signing up isn’t enough, you need to bring your heart and drive with you.
Taking action is what needs to happen to build that business of yours.

I promise to bring my heart and drive with me and take massive action!